Happy Thanksgiving!

It is Thanksgiving Eve and I just wanted to take a minute to list just five things I am thankful for this year. I am thankful for my children Both my daughters are amazing young women and I am thankful every day that they are who they are. They never cease to amaze me and make me proud. I am thankful for my husband He can drive me crazy sometimes but let's face it, we can all use a little crazy in our lives! He makes me laugh everyday. Do you laugh everyday? I do, and it's amazing. I am thankful for the rest of my family, my parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, every one of them! The memories we have made and the ones we continue to make are worth all the gold in the world, or as my mom likes to say: all the tea in China! I am thankful for having the opportunities. I am lucky. I really am. I have had opportunities in my life that some people have never had, and I and incredibly thankful for the sacrifices that my parents made so that I could have them. I h...